
Brett Huguenard
My father enjoying one of his favorite activities on Adams Lake, going around the lake on his little motor boat and looking at the lake cottages. Occasionally, I would join him on these little trips to relax and hang out with my pops.
I would like to dedicate this page to my father, Edward Huguenard. Without him, I would have never experienced any of the memories I shared at Adams Lake, let alone, ever been born. Dad's constant improvements to the lake, consistent upkeep with the cottage maintenance, and hard work and earnings invested accordingly and wisely into the lake cottage and more importantly into his family made my memories of Adams Lake very fond and dear to me, and they always will be. Thanks, Dad, for all you've done for your family and myself. You've given me a great childhood full of memories and made me into the man I am today. I only hope I can live up to being half as great of a man as you are and always have been to me.

From your son with love forever,
-Brett Huguenard

P.S. - I would also like to thank my mother and brother for all of their efforts and work into the cottage, as well as in my life. Other thanks go out to the Reed family, the Kropp family, the Duer family, and the Pranger family. Thank you all for all you've done and for making Adams Lake the great place that it was to me and for being such good friends to me throughout my years there.

I hope you enjoyed reading about and looking at the many pictures of Adams Lake. If you're in the northern Indiana area sometime, especially in the summer, be sure and stop by Adams Lake as I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Leave a comment at the bottom of this page and let me know how you liked it. Thanks for visiting this page, and you're more than welcome to come back in the future.